Wednesday 2 March 2016

4. Midnight Moon by Lori Handerland

Voodoo, secret clans, a curse you wish you never had....Books like these have enthralled readers through the years with novel authors jostling to grab a place in the reader's heart. However, some hidden gems like this book surface at odd moments, giving a breath of fresh air to the lines that pop out at the reader as she goes through the story as if her whole life depended on it.
Cassandra thought she had the perfect life until she suffered a devastating tragedy. Now she has a new identity as Priestess Cassandra, owner of a New Orleans voodoo shop, and a new purpose.
A research trip for a paranormal secret society leads Cassandra to Haiti, where rumours fly of a sinister voodoo master, Jacques Mezareau, who can resurrect the dead.
Fortune hunter Devon Murphy agrees to guide Cassandra there safely, but his sensual appeal promises danger of a different kind.
As Cassandra and Devon make their way to the eerie jungle village, their attraction explodes into intoxicating desire, and Cassandra begins to question her resolve never to let another man into her life. Her attempts to resist Devon become more and more impossible.
But when she succeeds in learning Jacque's macabre ritual, her new powers may have come with a terrifying price. Now, haunted by violent dreams that grow more vivid as the midnight moon approaches, Cassandra must uncover the shocking truth about an ancient curse before it leads her to destroy herself and everyone she loves.
For bookworms out there who would like an adult version of Twilight, Harry Potter and books of this genre, I highly recommend this book as heart-stopping elements are thrown in at the most unexpected times in this tome of love, magic and all things supernatural. Grab a cuppa and sit at a corner with this book. I assure you that your coffee will be untouched or in need of reheating before you complete this book. Happy reading!

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