Friday 30 December 2016

144. Leftovers by Stella Newman

BOOK REVIEW: Leftovers by Stella Newman

As a girl, romance and love is almost intertwined into our systems. There is no better way to unwind than poring over a girly novel and for an avid foodie like me, a novel with recipes woven into it! It's a winner in my books!

In the beginning of the book, according to a magazine, Susie Rosen is a 'Leftover' - a post-Bridget Jones thirty-something who has neither her dream man, job, nor home. She doesn't even own six matching dinner plates.

According to her friend Rebecca, Susie needs to get over her ex, Jake, and start online dating - or at least stop being so rude to every guy who tries to chat her up.

But Susie's got a plan. If she can just make it through the 307 days till her promotion and bonus, she can finally quit and pursue her dream career in food. Then surely, everything else will fall into place. If only her love life wasn't so complicated.

Funny and endearing, this love story almost feels like a coming-of-age love story told in the eyes of a thirty-year-old. Besides that, she has a pasta recipe for which mood she is in, for example, 'when scrolling through Google images of Jake's new girlfriend and find a cosy picture of him and her'. The recipes are also provided at the end of the book.

So if you girls are thinking of what to do on a lazy, rainy weekend or even when you are bored, just cook up a pasta storm and sidle up to a corner with this book. Trust me, weekends couldn't get this good...

Sunday 18 December 2016

143. Unjunk your Junk Food by Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer with Lisa Tsakos

BOOK REVIEW: Unjunk your Junk Food By Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer with Lisa Tsakos

Ask a lady what's the first food she will reach for when she's down in the dumps and the answer will most probably be "chocolate". All of us regardless of gender, race, religion or age love our junk food. From ice creams to candy to cakes, junk food can be found on the shelves of any supermarkets or grocery stores. But did you know what lurks inside those foods?

Preservatives, artificial colorings and flavorings and a cocktail of other undesirable chemicals are added to food these days to make them tastier and more appealing. However, these chemicals have been proven to have adverse effects on human health. Can we actually enjoy junk food without the side effects? Actually you can!

You don't have to give up junk food to eat healthy - just make smarter choices. In this highly informative book, discover yummy alternatives to your favorite treats. Unjunk your Junk Food is a quick and easy guide that can be used the next time you enter a supermarket.

This book contains information on:

  • Healthy choices for the snacks you crave.
  • Savvy alternatives to conventional brands.
  • Tips for reading food labels and recognizing false claims.
  • Nutritious ingredients to look for and dangerous additives to avoid.
  • A tear-out Worst Ingredients chart.
The authors are health and wellness advocates and cofounders of, one of the web's most popular and trusted resources for living a natural, organic, and green lifestyle. They appear frequently on television and radio to help consumers make healthier everyday choices. Lisa Tsakos is the chief nutrition expert for She is a nutritionist and educator specializing in weight management and corporate nutrition programs.

With glossy pages full of mouth-watering illustrations, this book has been an insightful journey through the world of junk food.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

142. The Human Body Book by Steve Parker

BOOK REVIEW: The Human Body by Steve Parker

All of us have amazing bodies, a vessel for our soul to reside in, enabling us to carry out so many different tasks with ease. But do we all really know what is in it or how it works or maybe even how it looks like? This amazing book shows the detailed structure inside the human body as never seen before.

Although medical professionals have used dissection for several hundred years, new techniques help them to reveal what lies under our skin in meticulous detail. Tomographic techniques have been used with magnetic resonance scanning to produce the many visuals that you will come across in this book. Some pictures in this book are drawings of what is seen down a microscope.

The combination of microscopic anatomy and three-dimensional images is highly instructive, and this book allows readers to more than glimpse at the unique wonders inside the body. It will appeal not only to adults and young people, who are just interested in how the body works, but also to those, like nurses or physiotherapists, for whom it has more professional relevance.

Since I took up a Diploma in Human Anatomy and Physiology, this book has been of immense help with its clear explanations and eye-catching visuals. Learning biology has never been more fun with the presence of this book. Pop into a Book Xcess outlet and you may be able to get your hands on a copy of this book which comes as a set of two with a coloring book dedicated to, you guessed it, the human body.

Sunday 9 October 2016

141. The Omnivore's Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat by Michael Pollan

BOOK REVIEW: The Omnivore's Dilemma - The Secrets Behind What You Eat by Michael Pollan

Food is an integral part of our Malaysian culture and our eating habits can even rival that of the Americans. Food can be found around every corner at any time of the day. But do we know where our food comes from, how it is processed or just what goes into that McD patty we chow down? In this eye-opening read, Michael Pollan tells us exactly how food has evolved and what comes off of this evolution.

In writing this book, Pollan, as an investigative journalist, toured various levels of the food production chain. He began his journey from the industrial farms of Iowa and feedlots in Kansas to organic farms and slaughter houses in Virginia  to finally, the supermarkets in which we all partake. He not only traced the ecological path of food from cultivation to consumption but also the evolutionary path of our diet over the years. Pollan points out that the omnivore’s dilemma is how we as humans have so many dietary options but so little information about what we should eat and where our food comes from.

From the corn fields of Iowa, Pollan explains why corn, because of its photosynthetic efficiency, high yield, versatility and ease to transport, has become the most preferred cereal for cultivation. What is more concerning, as Pollan witnessed on his trip, is how the diet of most animals such as cattle has been changed from grass to corn for economic reasons. Corn fed animals take a shorter time to grow and gain weight compared with animals raised on grass or on their natural diet. However, the physiology of these animals has not evolved to rely on corn and on the receiving end of the negative effects of such ripples along the food change is us, as consumers.

Pollan discussed the negative effect of the industrialization of agriculture: the use of nitrogen based chemical fertilizers in place of livestock manure and crop rotation and the concomitant shift from reliance on solar energy to fossil fuel. Though this may make food production economically cheap, it is ecologically expensive bearing in mind the devastative effect of pollution, and greenhouse gases both by-products of fossil fuel consumption, on the environment. Furthermore, there are the dangers posed by runoffs of pesticides and fertilizers into bodies of water that serve people and other living organisms.

After reading this book, it has allowed me as a foodie and chef to appreciate the essence of real food in this age and time. Eating the way our ancestors did can have positive outcomes for both us as consumers and the environment as well.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

140. A Dance With The Devil by Barbara Bentley

BOOK REVIEW: A Dance With The Devil by Barbara Bentley

Most of us have heard the sayings "Match made in heaven" and "Marriages are witnessed by angels". However, lady luck was not on Barbara Bentley's side as she narrates her true life story of marriage to a socio-psychopath.

When retired Navy rear admiral John Perry proposed, Barbara couldn't believe her luck. He came with a remarkable military background, spoke 7 languages, knew celebrities, and had an impressive family pedigree. Dashing, attentive, full of fascinating stories, he seemed almost too good to be true. HE WAS...

From the start, things didn't add up. Barbara struggled to ignore her doubts, especially when John grew angry, and she kept trying to put the pieces together...unaware that some were simply missing.

Even as John drained her credit, dodged her questions, manipulated and misled her, she stayed with him, suppressing her growing suspicions. Ultimately he would try to kill her, proving himself not a protector and provider - but a predator.

This tear-jerking book is Barbara's courageous, compelling story - in her own words - of the slow, choking darkness that fell after the honeymoon was over, and what it took to finally make her escape.

She reveals her transformation from terrified victim of deception to triumphant activist - and details her continuing efforts to never let the same thing happen to another woman.

I have read of psychos in the papers, watched horrific stories of random shootings but this book opened up a new part by reading the life of a victim. It immensely broke my heart that guys like this actually existed. This is a wonderful read and makes us women be aware of not judging a book by its cover.

Friday 26 August 2016

139. Hotel K: The Shocking Inside Story of Bali's Most Notorious Jail by Kathryn Bonella

BOOK REVIEW: Hotel K - The Shocking Inside Story of Bali's Most Notorious Jail by Kathryn Bonella

Jails to most of us mean strict punishments, high security walls, guards on rounds as well as frequent police checks to prevent jail escapes. If the roles of jails are reversed, what would actually happen? A shocking insight into Bali's most notorious jail, this book is sure to widen your eyes.

Welcome to Hotel Kerobokan, or Hotel K, Bali's most notorious jail. Its wall touch paradise: sparkling oceans, surf beaches and palm trees on one side, while on the other it's a dark, bizarre and truly frightening underworld of sex, drugs, violence and squalor.

Hotel K's filthy and disease ridden cells have been home to the infamous and the tragic: a Balinese King, Gordon Ramsay's brother, Muslim terror bombers, beautiful women tourists and surfers from across the globe.

Petty thieves share cells with killers, rapists, and gangsters,. Hardened drug traffickers sleep alongside unlucky tourists, who've seen their holiday turn from paradise to hell over one ecstacy pill.

Hotel K is the shocking inside story of the jail and its inmates, revealing the wild 'sex' nights organized by corrupt guards for the prisoners who have cash to pay, the jail's ecstacy factory, the killings made to look like suicides, the days out at the beach, the escapes and the corruption that means anything is for sale.

The truth about the dark heart of Bali's jail is explained in clear detail. Gawping in shock as I turned every page, this book shines a light on a part of jail that we never knew existed.

Friday 22 July 2016

138. Mom's Big Book of Baking by Lauren Chattman

BOOK REVIEW: Mom's Big Book of Baking by Laura Chattman

Being a mother is not easy, judging from the pinched face my mum used to have when I gave her hell during my younger days! Haha! Many mothers out there are juggling between work and family, striving to be the best they can in both worlds. They especially take an interest in the dining table.

As a busy mom you want to make memorable treats for family and friends, but you're realistic about the amount of time you have, and you want whatever effort you put into the kitchen to have a big payback.

With that in mind, Lauren Chattman has created simple recipes that produce the highest quality baked goods with the least amount of fuss. The recipes are guaranteed to please even the pickiest kids.

But that doesn't mean they're boring: they strike a comforting balance between comforting classics, such as Devil's Food Cake or Molasses Cookies, and delicious new ideas that are destined to become family favorites, such as Sweet Grape Focaccia or Coconut Ginger Blondies.

Sprinkled throughout the book are loads of tips on when and how to let kids participate in the kitchen, as well as invaluable pointers on such vital topics as how to mass produce cupcakes and how to make a birthday cake your child will remember forever.

Now thanks to this book, many of my friends and family out there who are mothers can greet any occasion with grace and style.

Thursday 21 July 2016

137. Dictionary of the Occult

BOOK REVIEW: Dictionary of the Occult

The occult has been defined as the supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena that surround something or someone. Special branches of study have cropped up all over the world to examine these in detail. In Dictionary of the Occult, an A – Z of the fascinating world of the magical, mystical and paranormal both in fiction, myth and legend and in real life are portrayed in detail.

An interest in the occult has existed from the earliest civilizations and has played a significant part in the in the belief systems of many cultures. This book is a complete explanatory reference of this fascinating and diverse subject.

It includes instances of paranormal phenomena and examples from ancient folklore, religion and New Age beliefs and also has an appendix on superstitions. A little snippet from the book:

“Borley: The rectory at Borley, Suffolk, was said to be the most haunted house in England. Although much of the evidence of spirits and poltergeists was manufactured by the fake psychic Harry Price, it is still believed by many that the house (which burned down mysteriously in 1939) was genuinely haunted, likewise the church close by, where the ghost of a nun has been seen.”

To get those mystics’ blood pumping and those interested in the world beyond the living, this is a great read especially in the middle of the night with just a flashlight with the sounds of owls hooting and whispers of the grave......

Wednesday 20 July 2016

136. Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food by Paul Greenberg

BOOK REVIEW: Four Fish - The Future of the Last Wild Food by Paul Greenberg

Protein sources of all kinds are at man's disposal, from plant- to animal-based. However, the one that makes us dash to the dining table is the affable fish. From sushi to sashimi, grilled to baked, fish holds a special place in our hearts. Little do we know that this protein source is fast facing a threat brought on by us humans. In this enlightening read, we will learn that fish is best produced on a small scale in accordance with the rhythms of our planet.

Writer and lifelong fisherman Paul Greenberg takes us on a culinary journey, investigating the four fish that dominate our menus - salmon, sea bass, cod, and tuna. Examining the forces that get fish to our dinner tables, Greenberg reveals our damaged relationship with the ocean and its wildlife.

Just three decades ago nearly everything we ate from the sea was wild. Today, rampant overfishing and an unprecedented biotech revolution have brought us to a point where wild and farmed fish occupy equal parts of a complex marketplace.

Four Fish helps us to navigate this new landscape, offering a way for us to move toward a future where healthy and sustainable seafood is the rule rather than the exception.

After reading this book, I have a newfound respect for what we take from the sea to eat, and how, and why. Serious yet marinated in wit, this is the kind of environmental journalism that is easy to digest (pun intended), making you more aware of that fish steaming in front of you.

Sunday 17 July 2016

135. The Homeopathy Bible by Ambika Wauters

BOOK REVIEW: The Homeopathy Bible by Ambika Wauters

The saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ cannot hold more true. Our mothers and grandmothers used to give us cooling tea when the days were warm or a ginger poultice for that terrible menstrual pains. Natural medication has somewhat taken an upper hand compared to modern medicine and this book allows you to discover the potential of healing without the use of drugs.

This comprehensive introduction to homeopathy explains how this safe and gentle therapy can heal a wide range of physical and emotional complaints. You will discover how it works, its history and development, together with a complete guide to selecting the right treatment for you and your family.

A detailed directory provides information on each remedy and the conditions for which it is particularly suited. There is also a to-use therapeutic section, organized by system of the body, to help you diagnose illnesses and find the right treatment.

Complete with warnings about any potential contraindications and a guide to beneficial support remedies, this is the only guide to homeopathy you’ll ever need.

Saturday 16 July 2016

134. A Closet Full of Shoes by Jo Packham and Sara Toliver

BOOK REVIEW: A Closet Full of Shoes by Jo Packham and Sara Toliver

Shoes are a girl’s best friend. From her evening gown to a rough and tumble pair of jeans, the shoes are the babies who complete the look. Pairing a pair of killer heels with culottes pulls in the catcalls and whistles. This book is dedicated for all those who have an undying love for their footsies like me.

Who doesn’t love a great pair of shoes? There’s something about slinky pumps, funky boots, and breezy sandals that puts a spring in our steps. But not everyone can afford a pair of Jimmy Choos. So instead of buying something new, why not embellish the ones you already have?

Once you learn a few simple techniques, you can transform just about any type of footwear including sandals, flats, heels, sneakers, and boots into designer and wearable works of art. Jo Packham, crafts expertand author, has compiled more than 50 oh-so-chic projects that showcase these techniques. These designs will stand out from any others, whether their added flair is subtle or attention-grabbing.

Try affixing elegant silk flowers to a pair of strappy sandals to enhance their femininity. Adding ribbons and other trims to flip-flops or around the instep of a flat creates instant glamour. The beautiful colours you can use when working with paint are endless! For example, decorating a chunky heel or pair of rain boots with wonderful motifs and patterns provides a great touch of pizzazz.

Turning a plain shoe into a glam one that’s perfect for an evening out is easy if you attach brooches and other pins. Appliqué, beads and buttons, decoupage, even photographs can be used to amazing results.

Ever walked in and out of shoe stores finding for the perfect pair that suited your preference? Fret not, now you can add embellishments on your own shoes to get that much wanted flair.

Saturday 9 July 2016

133. Prince Charming by Valerie Khoo and David Smiedt

BOOK REVIEW: Prince Charming by Valerie Khoo and David Smiedt

Ok life is not a fairytale can’t imagine as a young lady to always get swept off your feet by a knight in shining armour. Kissing a few frogs along the way is inevitable. But what you CAN do is to look out for those characteristics that deem a guy as Prince Charming and this is exactly what this book delivers.

This book is every girl’s guide to finding the right guy, keeping the relationship once you’ve found him, and remembering to pay attention to yourself. First off, relax. Don’t be in such a hurry to tie the knot. Nurture your own self-esteem. Enjoy the process if you can.

This tell-it-like-it is manual aims to minimize the number of toads you kiss along the way. You’ll learn how to banish a bad attitude and replace it with a positive attitude, because you’re worth it.
If he seems too good to be true he probably is. That’s one way to tell the Stayers from the Players. 

Prince Charming has a whole lot more. This book is a mile-a-minute, non-stop advice book to keep a gal’s confidence up and in working order.

It will show you warning bells and subtle signs to help you figure out if a guy should be deleted from your address book or if he as true partnership potential.

Funny but enlightening at the same time, Prince Charming is the book for those bachelorettes or maybe just a girl wanting to get the lurvvveee bug on. Happy Searching girls!

Friday 8 July 2016

132. Flavoured Oils & Vinegars by Love Food

BOOK REVIEW: Flavoured Oils & Vinegars by Love Food

Aaaahhhh....olive oil....the much-coveted oil for health and flavor profiles akin to how wine is to connoisseurs...the tang of a fresh salad from the balsamic vinaigrette flavored with rosemary....oils and vinegars uplift food, giving dimensions unknown to the palate. In this Love Food series, you can learn to create infused oils and vinegars right in your own kitchen to enhance everyday cooking.

This book is a stunning new collection,containing ideas for making your own infused oils and vinegars, and delicious recipes using the oils and vinegars to impress family and friends.

Infused with herbs, spices, nuts or fruit, flavored oils and vinegars add a wonderful aroma and an unforgettable taste to your cooking. Whether offering a subtle hint or an intense layer of flavor, the use of flavored oils and vinegars will elevate your cooking to a whole new level and will help to transform plain dishes into culinary treats.

From first course to last, there is something for every occasion in this beautifully photographed collection.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

131. Pairing Wine with Asian Food by Edwin Soon

BOOK REVIEW: Pairing Wine with Asian Food by Edwin Soon

A nice glass of wine, white or red goes most amicably with food, be it dinner or even a snack platter of cheese. However, as Asians, we encounter a dumbfounding situation when it comes to pairing wine with our food which is rich in dimensions of flavor. Edwin Soon puts the vogue on wine and Asian food in this small but comprehensive tome.

Dining out on dim sum and looking for the perfect wine to accompany your meal? Wondering which bottle to uncork when serving up Thai? In this book, enologist, wine judge, and wine writer Edwin Soon explores the most important theories of matching wine and Asian cuisine.

Discover hundreds of inspired food and wine marriages from Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam as well as from Burgher, Eurasian, and Nyonya cuisines.

Also featured is a special section on matching wine by occasion, such as an Asian finger food party or barbecue, or by type, such as curries, vegetarian dishes or seafood. Imagine serving a crisp, tangy aged Riesling with a steamed river fish with ginger, soy, and chili, or a peppery California Zinfandel with succulent Chinese barbecued pork ribs.

For sheer indulgence, savor Hainanese chicken rice with lashings of chili, ginger, and sweet soy and a glass of Sauternes - surely a match made in heaven.

Whether you're a wine lover or new to the subject, this book encourages you to have fun and experiment for there is no reason why you can't enjoy wine with all your favorite Asian dishes.

130. Soapy Love by Debbie Chialtas

BOOK REVIEW: Soapy Love by Debbie Chialtas

The giving of gifts is a gesture that many of us adore, it puts a smile on people's faces, tugs at their heartstrings and just to say how much they really mean to you. Store-bought gifts are nice, but how about a miniature bar of homemade soap that is bound to turn heads? Soapy Love is a book which guides you all the way through the process of making your own melt and pour soap.

This book shows you how to turn a glycerin melt and pour soap base into tempting, stylish soaps. You'll learn fun and easy techniques for 25 yummy projects featuring bright colors, amazing designs and delicious scents.

Glycerin melt and pour soap is very easy to use - a microwave and measuring cup are all you need! There is no messy boiling or complicated mixing.

You will also learn techniques not yet found in any glycerin soap project book, including how to make cameos, plaid patterns, soapsicles and even jelly donut soaps.

Discover the ins-and-outs of melt and pour soap supplies, allowing you to experiment with your own style.

Bath time has never been the same for me and my friends since we caught hold of this slippery book (pun intended!). Rub-a-dub-dub in the tub....

Tuesday 5 July 2016

129. Extreme Entertaining Made Simple by Eduardo Xol

BOOK REVIEW: Extreme Entertaining Made Simple by Eduardo Xol

As Malaysians, we are not adverse to throwing a bash or two, whether it be a wedding, a birthday, or even a graduation. However, the one thing that we become allergic to is WE OURSELVES throwing a party. It's so hard right? Nope! Eduardo Xol pulls in all the ropes to make your next bash a breeze and enjoy it too!

The author, star designer of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, assures readers that if a home can be built and designed in only 7 days, you can prepare your own fantastic event in much less time. In this book, the author takes the sometimes daunting task of hosting your own party and makes it easy and accessible.

The secret is to utilize and stimulate all 5 senses to inspire the design, feel, mood, taste, and sound of any special celebration. Spanning from a Classic Dinner Party to an at-home Spa Party, Eduardo's book covers 6 unique and inspired party themes, which can can be applied to hundreds of occasions - each with event appropriate food and drink recipes, as well as event-specific design tips and suggestions.

He breaks down the design elements of a party and shows how to assemble stunning table ensembles, decadent entrees and delicious appetizers, fragrant and eye-opening flower arrangements, and delightful tunes by simply applying your senses and intuition. As you master your senses, creating spectacular celebrations can be a fun and stress-free experience, and eventually become second nature.

If you are a party planner, planning to become one or just would like to host a great event, this is the book for you. From setting the mood to the food to the groove, this book makes everything fall into place for that one party you'll never forget.

Sunday 3 July 2016

128. Drink This Not That! by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding

BOOK REVIEW: Drink This Not That! by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding

We diet on end, eat lean meats, take less fatty foods, restrict to many small meals a day...hmmm...but the kilos don't seem to be budging! Arghhhhh! Have we ever taken a minute to ponder that maybe our drinks could be one of the reasons for those kilos to rise? Sounds illogical but after reading this book, I found out that masses of hidden calories are actually in the beverages that we take for granted everyday!

Eat and drink what you want, when you want - and watch the pounds disappear! You can burn fat and sculpt the body you want, without ever dieting or ever watching what you eat. The secret? Smart, simple beverage swaps!

New research reveals that it's not just our food that's making us fat - it's the beverages we wash it all down with. Hidden calories in our coffees and soft drinks make up more than 20% of our daily calories - more than 400 calories a day on average! But you can strip away calories and fat - up to 23 pounds this year alone - simply by changing your choice of drinks (and still eating all your favorite foods)!

Did you know 1 bottle of Sunkist orange drink has more sugar than 4 packs of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or a White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks has more than 100 times as many calories as their regular coffee!

With this illustrated guide to hundreds of drink options - and eye-opening nutrition secrets for fast and permanent weight loss - you'll make the smartest choices for you and your family, every time! So readers, think twice before reaching for a can of energy drink or even your bottle of juice as there may be more in it than you have ever imagined....

Saturday 2 July 2016

127. Perfect Pies: The Best Sweet and Savory Recipes from America’s Pie-Baking Champion by Michele Stuart

BOOK REVIEW: Perfect Pies – The Best Sweet and Savory Recipes from America’s Pie-Baking Champion by Michele Stuart

Mere mention of the word pie or the smell of a pie baking in the kitchen immediately conjures up feelings of comfort, nostalgia, and love. The author vividly remembers standing at her grandmother’s apron hem as a child as she fine-tuned (and improved!) family recipes that had been passed down for generations. Eventually, Stuart’s lifelong passion for pie-making inspired her to open what would become the world-famous shop Michele’s pies.

You don’t have to travel to Michele’s Pies in Norwalk and Westport, Connecticut, though, to taste her mouthwatering creations. This book shares nearly 80 delicious recipes, many of them National Pie Championships winners.

There are desserts bursting with fruit, crunchy with nuts, cream-filled delights, and pies perfect for a party. Let’s not forget sensational savoury creations, from Quiche Lorraine to Italian Wheat Pie. The author also passes along easy recipes for Hot Fudge Sauce, Raspberry Jam, and Whipped Cream to top it all off.

Stuart’s secret, she says, is that her pies are “made by hand with love”, but she doesn’t neglect to advise you on the basic kitchen tools you’ll need as she reveals essential tips and techniques, from how to roll out dough to the best way to make light and flaky crust. She stresses the use of fresh, seasonal fruits and other wholesome ingredients.

So whether you’re a pie novice, a weekend baker, or a seasoned pastry chef, Perfect Pies will make everything you bake worthy of a blue ribbon.

Friday 1 July 2016

126. Dress Your Cupcake: Bake Them! Dress Them! Eat Them! By Joanna Farrow

BOOK REVIEW: Dress Your Cupcake – Bake Them! Dress Them! Eat Them! By Joanna Farrow

Don’t we lovvvveeee our cakes, from slices to cups to minis, cakes have been on the go-to list of comfort foods. Cupcakes are all the rage now bedecked in all their glory. From buttercream icing to marzipan animals, what pulls you to a cupcake is at first the look of it. This book lets you go wild with your imagination to decorate those cupcakes and eat them too!

Give your baking a makeover and add a whole new lease of life to everyone’s favourite sugar-sweet treat, the cupcake! Whether you want to whip up a batch of fairytale faces, or pile a plate high with adorable animals, this book has no end of decorating inspiration.

You can create great cupcakes with real personality. With 50 fantastic creations to choose from, baking, dressing, and eating them has never been more fun. From jungle creatures to jack o’ lanterns ad tea parties to treasure chests, each set of step-by-step decorating instructions is easy to follow and guaranteed to please.

Even everyday objects like cars, soccer boots, and rubber duckies have never tasted so good! And with plenty of themed suggestions perfect for parties from Valentines to Christmas, your cupcakes are sure to always be dressed for the occasion.

Including 4 foolproof cupcake recipes and a comprehensive introduction to ingredients, icing techniques, and equipment, cupcakes have never been so simple...or so sweet!

Thursday 30 June 2016

125. The Art of the Dessert by Ann Amernick and Margie Litman

BOOK REVIEW: The Art of the Dessert by Ann Amernick and Margie Litman

Ahhhhh...the end to a meal can only be something that tickles your palate with its sudden burst of glucose. Wondering what I’m rambling on about? Well, dessert of course! The meal halts to a grind when dessert is served. Creme brulees, slices of devilishly dark chocolate cake, sinfully decadent pannacottas, and the list of desserts just never seem to end. Ever wanted to replicate 5-star hotel desserts in your own home? Then this may just be the book for you.

Named one of the top 10 pastry chefs by both Chocolatier and Pastry Art & Design magazines and nominated 5 times for the James Beard Pastry Chef of the Year award, Ann Amernick is one of the most accomplished dessert makers.

Now, in this deliciously inspiring cookbook, she shares nearly 100 recipes for artfully distinctive desserts – the summation of her long and distinguished career as a baker. Her creations often recall familiar foods and flavours – a cheese Danish, for example, or a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup – but in her hands, the familiar becomes truly extraordinary.

Spanning the whole range of dessert possibilities – cakes and tortes, pies and tarts, cookies and candies, cold desserts, warm desserts, and dessert sandwiches – this book is filled with recipes that are as innovative and sophisticated as they are homey and unfailingly delicious.

For each recipe, the author offers detailed, step-by-step guidance on preparation, as well as sidebars that offer options for embellishing the desserts when serving. 16 striking full-colour photographs accompany the recipes, along with Amernick’s “Trucs of the Trade” and expert advice on pastry making, including basic and advanced techniques, information on equipment and ingredients, and helpful tips on creating all kinds of dessert components and garnishes, from tartlet shells to fruit leather.

If you want to refine your baking skills and add some show-stopping new desserts to your repertoire, let this extraordinary cookbook by a master pastry chef be your guide.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

124. Shellfish by Leif Mannerström

BOOK REVIEW: Shellfish by Leif Mannerström

The bounty of the sea, fish, crustaceans, but up on my list, shellfish, are my top picks wherever I eat. Al l forms of shellfish are high in iodine and packs a punch in the flavour department, what more can I ask for in seafood? Shellfish is dedicated to my undying love of these shelled creatures and the many dishes it can be turned into.

This book features more than 200 original recipes that cover every type of shellfish: sea mussels, clams, lobster, scampi, crab, crayfish, oysters, scallops, shrimps, prawns, gambas, sea urchin, whelk and their accompaniments.

Along with the author’s unique creations, there is a full selection of sauces and stocks that are the foundation of cooking with shellfish. With anecdotes and descriptions enhancing the easy-to-follow instructions, the author shows how to choose, cook and present shellfish and reveals the brilliant and innovative recipes that have earned him accolades from food critics everywhere.

Inspired by a passion for the bounty of the sea and created using the skill of a master chef, Shellfish is a must for all gourmets and gourmands alike.

123. I'm Dreaming of a Chocolate Christmas by Marcel Desaulniers

BOOK REVIEW: I'm Dreaming of a Chocolate Christmas by Marcel Desaulniers

The time of the year when in some parts of the world snow falls in silent unison with the earth....the time when joy abounds at the dining table, a day of feasting and merriment....a day of presents and chocolate....chocolate? Yes, you heard me right, chocolate! Christmas is just incomplete with this sinful treat to remind us of the many sweet moments throughout the year. What better way then to whip up some chocolicious desserts of your own with help from this book.

No one knows chocolate like Marcel Desaulniers, his name being synonymous with luscious chocolate desserts. Now, with this book, Desaulniers has created the ultimate holiday baking book for chocolate lovers everywhere.

The chocolate treats and desserts you'll find inside are guaranteed to draw oohs and ahhs from your family and friends, and many are also straightforward to make - which means you'll have time to enjoy Christmas, too!

If you've ever dreamed of an all-chocolate Christmas, this book can make your dream come true. Desaulniers gives you 72 seductive recipes for every holiday occasion, delectable gifts, tempting treat platters, dreamy breakfast nibbles, and, of course, lots of decadent desserts. Delight your faraway friends and family with treats that are perfect for shipping.

The author and his elves tested all of the recipes in a home kitchen using ordinary equipment and supermarket ingredients to make sure that each one is foolproof. So whether you've been naughty or nice, you can tackle any of these recipes with confidence. Many are easy to prepare, and all are beautiful to behold, and oh-so-delicious to eat.

With 48 enticing full-color photos, advice on equipment, and a chapter on packing and shipping holiday treats, this book is sure to become an indispensable holiday companion.

Monday 27 June 2016

122. The Detox Cook by Louisa J. Walters, Aliza Baron Cohen and Adrian Mercuri

BOOK REVIEW: The Detox Cook by Louisa J. Walters, Aliza Baron Cohen and Adrian Mercuri

Pollution, pesticides and the stresses of day-to-day living can all take their toll on our bodies. Eating the wrong sorts of food doesn't help matters, with the result that our bodies become overloaded with toxins and can struggle to cope. We need to detox.

The Detox Cook presents an easy and, above all, positive approach to detoxifying, explaining how eating in harmony with your body can produce real benefits of health and wellbeing.

And the good news is you don't need to sacrifice the simple pleasures of the table while you're doing it. There are recipes here for everything from snacks and salads to packed lunches, from meals that can be prepared in minutes from easily available supermarket ingredients to impressive dishes to serve to unsuspecting dinner guests.

These recipes in this book prove that detoxing can be the choice not only of the health-conscious, but also of the taste-conscious. Detoxing has never been so delicious!

121. Mediterranean Hot and Spicy by Aglaia Kremezi

BOOK REVIEW: Mediterranean Hot and Spicy by Aglaia Kremezi

Mediterranean cooking is given new spice by the award-winning cookbook author who introduced Greek cuisine to American kitchens.

Ever since chiles made their way from the New World to Europe centuries ago, cooks throughout the Mediterranean region have used a wide variety of fresh, dried, and ground peppers to add bold hits of flavor to their cuisines. Now the author, inspired by her years of research and travel throughout the Mediterranean region - in Italy, Spain, Turkey, North Africa, and elsewhere - as well as her own Greek heritage and upbringing, has collected and refined the best of these dishes for home cooks.

Fresh, seasonal ingredients - traditional grains, legumes, vegetables, olive oil, seafood, and a little meat and dairy spiked with the fragrant chiles of the area - are the basis for a cuisine bursting with color, flavor, and aroma. The proven health benefits are a wonderful bonus, but intense flavor is always the goal.

These easy-to-prepare, authentic recipes are the kind of food found in homes and unpretentious restaurants in all the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. They include zesty salads, spreads, sauces, soups, one-pot dishes and desserts.

To be fully prepared to enjoy these recipes, a glass of cold iced peach tea is highly recommended as you sweat and tear your way through these spicy albeit scrumptious dishes.

Saturday 25 June 2016

120. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

BOOK REVIEW: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

As girls, fairy tales of dashing princes swooping princesses off their feet during our childhood, princesses hopelessly falling head over heels with normal guys (Princess Diaries) in our teens and then spinning romantic novels in our adulthood now plague us. We are never far from the theme of true love. But just what happens when love is being lent a hard hand and you find that it doesn't have to necessarily have that happy ending but maybe something sweet and pure to mask the pain and anguish....or maybe you just wanted to get to know assisted suicide in a more intimate manner than in a medical term? Me Before You gives readers the best of both worlds.

Lou Clark knows a lot of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.

Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now, and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that. What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of color. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time.

Will becomes a quadriplegic in the accident, losing any form of feeling and movement from the chest down, except for some minor movements of his hands. Lou takes up the job as his carer after losing her job. Soon, Lou comes to know of Will's intention to end his suffering through Dignitas, a company based in Switzerland. As days are counted towards the end, Lou and Will inexplicably fall in love without realizing. Lou tries her best to stop him but in the end Will still ends his life.

One of the most controversial but well-loved novels, this is a story that is both endearing and tear-jerking at the same time. I do recommend a box of tissues nearby to sniff into. Though many situations have arose due to the sensitive nature of the subject that this love story is based upon, I feel there is some good in supporting people who are in immense pain. Now a major motion picture starring Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin (I watched the movie too, with tears of course!), this is a book you will have to read.

Friday 24 June 2016

119. You Can Can by Jan Miller

BOOK REVIEW: You Can Can by Jan Miller

Have you ever encountered a situation where you just over-shopped and your pantry and fridge is overflowing with fresh produce that if not used will end up as compost? What a waste...Ever tried thinking of a way to salvage them? Never fear, canning is here! This is a fun and simple guide that proves you really can can!

Canning and preserving your own fruits and vegetables is a fun, affordable, and sustainable way to fill your pantry with the season’s bounty all year long. With this inspirational-yet-practical guide, you’ll get hands-on advice and helpful tips to start canning and preserving your market’s favourites or the fresh produce from your own garden.

This information-packed resource is loaded with delicious recipes, including pickles, jams, jellies, chutneys, and salsas. Inside, you’ll find everything you need to get started.

Learn all the basics – from water baths to freezing techniques – plus food safety tips and clever gift ideas. Step-by-step instructions and beautiful photos guide you from garden-fresh to pantry-ready. This book also includes detailed information on equipment and ingredients, handy charts and lists, and tips on produce seasonality.

It has been a breeze for me now to make my very own jams and jellies as my family consumes a lot of it. Buying is out of the question, what with price tags burning a hole in our pockets as well as sugar levels going way beyond RDI. I CAN CAN!

Thursday 23 June 2016

118. ‘Wichcraft by Tom Colicchio, Sisha Ortúzar and Rhona Silverbush

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Wichcraft by Tom Colicchio, Sisha Ortúzar and Rhona Silverbush

The classic filling between two pieces of bread, the sandwich, is a humble and easily fixed meal in any part of the world. Anything can go into a sandwich, cold cuts of meat and cheese for that gourmet touch or yesterday’s leftovers for a quick fix. But getting bored of the same sandwiches? ‘Wichcraft gives you a hand in preparing sandwich after sandwich with no two bearing the same fillings.

With acclaimed restaurants located across the US, and a high-profile job as head judge of the hit show Top Chef, Tom Colicchio is one of the best-known chefs and personalities in the culinary world today.

His popular chain of ‘wichcraft sandwich shops is known for crafting sandwiches with high-quality fresh ingredients prepared to Colicchio’s exacting standards. And since the first ‘wichcraft opened in 2003, diners can’t seem to get enough.

In this book, the author shares the shops’ secrets with step-by-step recipes for all their best-loved offerings. You’ll learn how to create new classics like Roasted Turkey with Avocado, Bacon, Onion Marmalade and Mayonnaise, and Sicilian Tuna with Fennel, Black Olives and Lemon; and elevate basic cold cuts through imaginative combinations.

Routine staples are refashioned into unforgettable meals, like Onion Frittata with Roasted Tomato and Cheddar. ‘Wichcraft is stuffed with sandwiches like these, and many more, that will add something special to both your lunchbox and your life.

With 100 full-colour photographs, recipes for pantry items include dressings and condiments, and a host of sandwich cookies and ice cream treats to round out your meals, this is the book to get a little ‘wichcraft magic going in your own kitchen.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

117. Gluten-Free Cooking by Lyndel Costain and Joanna Farrow

BOOK REVIEW: Gluten-Free Cooking by Lyndel Costain and Joanna Farrow

Food allergies and intolerances are something that we ourselves experience or have seen before. Discomfort of all sorts are caused from severe headaches, hives, seizures and in some serious cases even death. One of the most common is gluten intolerance (the inability of a person to digest gluten in wheat products).

Having a gluten intolerance needn’t mean missing out on your favourite foods. This collection of delicious recipes provides easy-to-make alternatives to foods such as pasta, bread, pastry and cakes.
This book explains celiac disease in simple terms including symptoms, medical treatment and dietary considerations.

Besides that, there is plenty of expert advice on maintaining a balanced diet, with menu planners to help you prepare every meal from a quick snack to a family dinner.

If going gluten-free seems daunting due to the seemingly few choices of delicious eats, push those morbid thoughts away. Gluten-Free Cooking offers over 60 nutritionally analysed recipes, from mouthwatering treats such as Thai Coconut Chicken and Strawberry Meringue Roulade, to kids’ favourites like Potato Pizza Margherita and Rainbow Lollies.

Being intolerant of gluten doesn’t mean your life is over. With the help of this book and plenty of research, you will have a dinner table for a king without spending hours on the throne ( get what I mean) after eating gluten just because you feel there is no food in the world without it. So put a smile on that face and get cooking!

Tuesday 21 June 2016

116. Feast of Flavors from the Thai Kitchen by Lydia Leong

BOOK REVIEW: Feast of Flavours from the Thai Kitchen by Lydia Leong

Thailand is a land of mystique; history and modernity intertwine and coil themselves around its inhabitants. The food is far from bland with its herbs and spices and full-bodied flavour profiles. Thai cuisine is not something we Malaysians are adverse, we practically enjoy every spoonful of it. Cooking it is also a breeze with the right ingredients and techniques which this book clarifies in detail.

This book is a fully illustrated series that offers insights into the exciting culinary traditions of Asia. It is a fascinating introduction to the exotic ingredients and unique culinary heritage of the region.

It also provides valuable insights into the various techniques of food preparation and the cooking styles used in the various Asian kitchens. These tantalizing recipes are each accompanied by clear step-by-step instructions and photographs.

Feast of Flavours from the Thai Kitchen is filled with recipes that are easy-to-prepare yet highly representative of the fresh and tasty flavours of Thai cooking. From the aromatic fried rice with prawn paste and tangy papaya salad to the highly popular Thai chicken curry and refreshing pomegranate seeds in coconut milk, this book is the ultimate guide to Thai cooking.

With the presence of reputable Thai restaurants popping up like mushrooms after a rain, from Thai Express to Jan Jan Thai, replicating something absolutely Thai in your home kitchen will be able to satiate those cravings when you are unable to step out of the confines of your home. Sawadeekap!

Monday 20 June 2016

115. Budget Celebrations by Shelley Wolson

BOOK REVIEW: Budget Celebrations by Shelley Wolson

Preparing to host any type of gathering can be filled with shopping hassles, time pressures and anxiety over the costs. No more! This all-in-one guide is the ultimate resource for stress-free, budget-friendly entertaining for every special occasion.

Jam-packed with simple and exciting ideas to make every holiday festive, this book offers creative ways to celebrate in style year-round, without spending a fortune. Best of all, you'll be able to relax and throw a great party that you can enjoy right along with your family and friends.

From Thanksgiving and Christmas to birthdays, anniversaries and family gatherings, this collection of inspiring photos and easy-to-follow instructions gives you all the information you'll need to have a good time and create an impressive soiree.

Inside, you'll find fabulous, efficient menus and recipes to amaze all your guests; festive and elegant projects to set the mood; and low-cost crafty ways to bring holiday spirit into your home and involve your family in the process. Cooking, baking and decorating was never so much fun!

114. The Real Girl's Kitchen by Haylie Duff

BOOK REVIEW: The Real Girl's Kitchen by Haylie Duff

Though she is best known as an actress, Haylie Duff (I'm guessing you already know her as the sister of the ever-famous Hilary Duff) also feels quite at home in the kitchen. Her blog, Real Girl's Kitchen, features recipes that are healthy, easy, and elegant, and has won the praise of fans and foodies alike.

Now everyone's favorite recipes - along with dozens of new dishes - are available in this gorgeous book. This book covers it all: breakfasts, salads, soups, appetizers...even recipes for your "cheat days"!

Haylie tackles everything from healthful green smoothies to snacks for an inpromptu gathering to whipping up an impressive meal for your date. Broken hearted? Don't despair - try the chocolate-covered bacon with ice cream!

Chock full of beautiful photos, helpful hints, and tons of personal stories from Haylie's life, The Real Girl's Kitchen reads one part cooking guru, one part best friend. The author shows readers not only how to eat to live, but how to love to eat along the way.

Sunday 19 June 2016

113. BBQ Joints: Stories and Secret Recipes from the Barbeque Belt by David Gelin

BOOK REVIEW: BBQ Joints - Stories and Secret Recipes from the Barbeque Belt by David Gelin

During long holidays, nothing beats firing up the barbie and throwing on a few sausages, some prime cuts of meat and maybe even some robust vegetables. From mesquite to applewood, premier woods are sold to make that barbecue just that little bit special. Ever thought how you can bring this communal meal to a new height without the same thing just switched now and then? Learn secrets, tips and tricks from the big US of A and barbies will never be the same again.

Ride shotgun with barbecue aficionado David Gelin as he follows the trail of smoldering hickory and mesquite. This book features the best - sometimes out-of-the-way, sometimes hole-in-the-wall - places to find great barbecue.

It tells the stories, histories and philosophies of the joints and their owners. The author has the ability to capture the true essence of these amazing people and their legendary old BBQ shrines with his camera. When he added recipes,it became a great book. Therefore, these places are well documented for history's sake.

To me, the photographs communicate the intimacy and passion shared by the people keeping these traditions vibrant and relevant. If I were you, I'd grab a copy and flip through for some truly legendary shots to your upcoming BBQ.

Friday 17 June 2016

112. Lotus Asian Flavors by Teage Ezard

BOOK REVIEW: Lotus Asian Flavors by Teage Ezard

Asian food has been the culinary reference for many a chef, for flavor profiles, colorful presentation, the variety of ingredients used, and if I go on the list will be much to endless. There is something that all of us still can't fathom about Asian food. The lingering memories associated with this cuisine has made it sit among the world's food ranks time and again. This wonderful culinary journey of a book details recipes of Asian food to replicate for your dinner table.

The author is a chef who pushes the boundaries of his craft. His groundbreaking cuisine has won him international acclaim; his experimentation with textures and flavors is fearless. Inspired by the roadside vendors and hawker markets of Thailand and Malaysia, and by the simple art of Chinese dim sum, Lotus Asian Flavors is a wonderful collection of new recipes and stunning photographs.

This is food for all occasions, to be shared around a table with family and friends. The dishes are designed to be served generously in bowls or on platters, and eaten with chopsticks, forks or fingers - casual, communal and simple dining at its best.

Teage's food is faithful to tradition, but it always comes with his signature twist. Traditional dishes such as Oxtail Pot Sticker Dumplings and Green Papaya Salad lead to truly inspired creations: Grilled Stingray with Chili Jam and Pomelo and Coconut Sambal.

Gorgeously designed and a delight to cook with, Lotus Asian Flavors is a book to be used and treasured by anyone who enjoys sharing good food.

Thursday 16 June 2016

111. Dip It! by Rick Rodgers

BOOK REVIEW: Dip It! by Rick Rodgers

The first thing that pops into your mind at the mere mention of a party is food, fun and memories. Party food is never dainty, you have to get your hands dirty, finger-licking good as the Colonel says. So next time you try a party, try a dip. Or two. Or three. In this book, the author shares 95 of his favorite dip recipes.

Of course, there's the classic onion soup mix, but why not make Rick's updated recipe with onions? For a tailgating party, you'll score big with bowls of tortilla chips served up with meaty Hot Beef and Pinto Bean Chili Dip.

There are plenty of vegetarian spreads too. Scoop wedges of pita into Moroccan Eggplant and Tomato Dip. The Faux Fondue will be a hit with cheese lovers. Rick also offers plenty of lighter dips such as the Red Flame Salsa or Three-Bean Salsa. Need an elegant dip for a special occasion? Try the Pesto-Mascarpone Dip or the silky smooth Two-Salmon Dip. And many of these dips do double duty - use them to bring a little something extra to your sandwiches.

And what's homemade dip without crunchy, crispy dippers? There are recipes for homemade versions of Potato Chips, Herbed Breadsticks, Tortilla Chips, and much more. Also included is a complete list of vegetable dippers that will add snap and color to your table.

The author also offers lots of helpful entertaining tips from do-ahead recipes to creative dip holders. So have a party. Take a dip with Dip It!

110. Pumpkin Chic by Mary Caldwell

BOOK REVIEW: Pumpkin Chic by Mary Caldwell

As a kid, most of us used to hate our veggies, be it broccoli or even the peas mashed into the potatoes just to be sneaked into our meals. Pumpkins and gourds were not an exception either and our mothers had to think of ingenious ways to get us even near them. Now grown up and facing the same troubles our mothers did? Fret not, another way is at hand. Decorate using pumpkins and gourds!

Carving jack-o'-lanterns has long been a Halloween custom. But pumpkins, gourds, and squashes also make wonderful decorating materials for home and garden throughout the year.

In Pumpkin Chic, you'll find plenty of jack-o'-lantern projects, but they are far from ordinary. There are many sophisticated and unusual ideas that include carved and etched designs.

From folk-art style Quilt-Banded Centerpieces to a rustic Window-Pane Lantern, you'll love making the most of nature's bounty.

This gorgeous little book is glowing with wonderful photographs and easy-to-follow directions you will want to try again and again. This book will definitely make you grin like a jack-o'-lantern at the variety of departures from the norm it offers.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

109. Pasta from My Italy by Federico Michieletto

BOOK REVIEW:  Pasta from My Italy by Federico Michieletto

Slurrrrrpppp!!! Pasta has always been a Western dish that is familiar to the young and old alike in Asia. From rich sauces to sexy olive oil coated pastas, this affable food has caught a placein our hearts, bearing much resemblance to our noodles. For those who are regulars in Marini's in KL, you may know the suave Italian chef who also happens to be the author of this simple yet enticing book om pasta.

In this book, Italian-born chef Federico Michieletto shares some of his creations in 80 mouthwatering, visually impressive recipes that are easy to understand. One of the most creative and innovative Italian chefs in Malaysia, Michieletto is always busy trying out something new in the taste and pairing of foods.

In the creation of recipes, he keeps in mind an old saying of a friend that a maximum of five main elements is what makes up a good recipe. Michieletto's inspiration comes from fond memories of his homeland, the richness and variety of ingredients available today, and of course, the varied and unique experiences of daily life.

Pasta from My Italy originated from an idea to create a book with the ABCs of pasta recipes. This includes classic pasta dishes, which are staples of the kitchen (especially classic style sauces), and homemade pasta. There are sections that cover filled pasta, ravioli and gnocchi. There is also an exciting section on pasta prepared in new styles that are suited to modern dining tastes.

This book closes with a collection of good recipes for risotto, especially the well known ones from where Federico comes from.

This book is a celebration of his philosophy in cuisine: to push traditional boundaries in cookery and, through the creative use of new and old ingredients, inspire combinations of fresh techniques that embody today's avant-garde dining experiences without forgetting the primary tastes and basic enjoyment of food.

Monday 13 June 2016

108. Sexy City Cocktails: Stylish Drinks & Cool Classics you Can Sip with Attitude by Sheree Bykofsky and Megan Buckley

BOOK REVIEW: Sexy City Cocktails - Stylish Drinks & Cool Classics you Can Sip with Attitude by Sheree Bykofsky and Megan Buckley

We tend to go to swanky clubs and lovely lounges to sip our drinks in style, a little attitude, a little atmosphere. But what's more chic than sipping sexy libations while looking good, IN YOUR OWN HOME!!! That's right all my fair ladies! This book lets you in on how to create these amazing tipples at home with the same sexiness as it is in a lounge.

Sexy City Cocktails is your cool guide to the hottest city drinks around. Written in a fun, flirtatious style, this trendy book contains 150 sexy cocktail recipes, plus a pithy lesson in Mixology 101. Whether you want it straight up or with a twist of pizzazz, this book has savoir-faire to spare, so there's no risk of sipping last season's martinis.

This book includes decadent chocolate concoctions, retro cocktails that taste too good to retire, hot libations to heat up a cold evening and seductive drinks for two.

Far superior to the typical stuffy bartender's guide, Sexy City Cocktails includes insider recommendations to cool cocktail bars, tips for fashionable cocktail attire, and fun stories and anecdotes. This book is the 'it' guide to imbibing with style.

So what are you waiting for? Shake it, mix it, muddle it, pour it and drink it. Cheers ladies!

Sunday 12 June 2016

107. Great Bar Food at Home by Kate Heyhoe

BOOK REVIEW: Great Bar Food at Home by Kate Heyhoe

If you want to host a drinks party at home, you tend to think of decor suited for the night, type of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages to be served and so many things!!! Arghhhh!!! Plus the preparation of bites to go with those drinks. Well, if you love to have friends over for drinks, but sometimes wonder what kind of food to serve, let this book be your guide.

In it,the author presents the world's all-time best bar food recipes - 50 boldly flavored nibbles and noshes that are easy to prepare, simple to serve, and go great with your favorite libations.

Inspired by fare found in the world's most famous bars, these delicious little dishes will help turn your living room into a classic cocktail lounge - and keep the good times rolling.

From Wild About Harry's Croque Monsieur and the 21 Club's Crab Cakes to Tangerine Yakitori, Authentic Garlic Fries, and Gougere, the tasty bites you'll find inside are guaranteed to tickle your taste buds and wow your guests.

And whether you're a Scotch buff, a martini fan, a wine geek, or a beer aficionado, you'll discover plenty of dishes designed to pair perfectly with your beverage of choice - grouped by section into cocktail food, wine nibbles, and brewpub-style bites.

Best of all, you'll find that the recipes are refreshingly simple and stress-free, with many that can be made ahead of time - giving you more time to get into the swing of things. To inspire your own home cocktail scene, the book also serves up legends, history, and lore from the world's great drinking establishments, along with 28 gorgeous food photographs.

With great food from this book, your favorite drinks, and a few friends, your home will become the coolest bar in the neighborhood.

106. Mocha by Michael Turback

BOOK REVIEW: Mocha by Michael Turback

Starbucks, San Francisco Coffee, Au Bon Pain, Library Coffee Cafe and the list just keeps getting longer and longer....we all love the aroma and flavor profiles of a good cuppa, be it night or day. What's even better is reading about mocha, one of the many coffee "species" that we commonly here like cappuccino and espresso.

Coffee and chocolate combined have a complementary effect, which means drinking a mocha wakes you up and puts you in a good mood.

High quality chocolate, strong coffee, and a big mug - basic tools of the trade for Mocha, the sophisticated follow-up to Michael Turback's best-selling Hot Chocolate.

Presented in a compact yet luxurious collection, this book offers nearly 60 recipes featuring the companionable ingredients of chocolate and coffee.

Ranging from cozy cocoa concoctions to caffeinated couture combinations, recipes include hot drinks; cold, refreshing classics; creative cocktails; and outrageous desserts.

Recipe contributors include notable chocolatiers, popular coffee purveyors, preeminent restaurant chefs, and a competitive cadre of coffeehouse baristas.

Reading about mocha, now I truly understand what constitutes this chocalatey caffeinated goodness in a cup that everyone craves for on a cold, rainy day. So readers, grab a mugful of this sinful brew, shimmy over to your reading nook and have a go at this addictive book.

Saturday 11 June 2016

105. The Essential Book of Fermentation by Jeff Cox

BOOK REVIEW: The Essential Book of Fermentation by Jeff Cox

Some of us cringe at the whiff of fermented goods or even the mere sight of them makes our insides churn (think sauerkraut and natto beans folks!). However, these pongy foods actually hold a very special place in our digestive systems for the formation of beneficial gut flora. Delving into this book will make you have a better view of these otherwise stinky eats.

As a leading expert on organic food and gardening, the author has long been aware of the microbiology that helps his garden flourish. He then made the leap that this same microdiversity is responsible for keeping our bodies healthy, too - and fermented foods are one of the easiest and most delicious ways to get microbes and all their benefits into our internal "gardens".

In this book, Jeff collects his decades' worth of knowledge and advice on fermentation and offers a one-of-a-kind introduction to all things related to fermented foods.

The Essential Book of Fermentation simplifies the art and science of fermentation while detailing the health benefits that come with a diet full of probiotic treats.The author takes readers on in-depth tours of wine-, cheese-, and bread-making operations - some of the staples of the fermented food world.

This book also includes several recipes for making these at home, along with more exotic fermented options such as kefir, kimchi, and miso. Insightful and practical, this book is a must-have for any health - and food - enthusiast.

Thursday 9 June 2016

104. Quick & Easy Low-Fat Recipes by Nicola Graimes

BOOK REVIEW: Quick & Easy Low-Fat Recipes by Nicola Graimes

We hit the gym, jog early in the morning at 5am, do a 100 push-ups per minute and watch what we eat. All this just to lose those kilos...hmmm...what if we could shed kilos in our food in a non-comprising way, with robustly flavored food? Sounds appealing to that health aficionado out there. This book is packed to the rafters with delicious recipes at a calorie count that your personal trainer will be proud of.

With obesity on the increase at an alarming rate, taking control over the amount of fat we eat is vital. Put simply, a diet high in saturated fat and trans fats is harmful to our health. The good news is that with the recipes and menu plans in this book, controlling your daily intake of fat is simplicity itself.

The author has researched and tested these delicious recipes, which are all low in saturated fat without any loss of flavor. The carefully balanced menu plans ensure you stick to the World Health Organization's recommendations on fat intake.

It's all about balance: if you over-indulge at lunchtime, select a lower-fat dinner to compensate. Most importantly, learn to make lifetime changes to your diet to benefit your long-term health.

There is a wide range of tempting recipes, for breakfast; for lunch; for dinner, and to top it all off even desserts. The only surprising thing is just how well you can eat without piling on the weight. Bon appetit readers!

103. Small Bites Big Taste: Innovative Recipes for Entertaining by Rainer Zinngrebe, Rodrigo Torres Contreras and SC Shekar

BOOK REVIEW: Small Bites Big Taste - Innovative Recipes for Entertaining by Rainer Zinngrebe, Rodrigo Torres Contreras and SC Shekar

Food and tastes can mean big things in even the smallest morsel of food. Molecular gastronomy and the advent of fusion food has elevated normal tastes to new heights. These are the concepts brought to life in this ingenious book.

Have you ever realized how Indian curries are a lot like Mexican moles? Or that chillies, limes, coriander, onions and tomatoes commonly used in Asian cooking, are also used across the globe in South American cuisine?

Executive chef Rainer Zinngrebe has travelled from Europe to Asia and America over the past 2 decades in his capacity as a chef. Struck by the similarities of food and eating habits across borders, cultures and cuisines, he got together good friend and chef, Rodrigo Torres Contreras and renowned photographer, SC Shekar, to work on the cookbook.

Complete with more than 80 recipes for exciting, contemporary dishes that are not only easy to prepare but also lots of fun to share with family and friends, this tome is the one to consult when looking for scrumptious new ideas to make your next event a truly memorable one.