Tuesday 26 July 2022

356. MARVEL: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know by Adam Bray, Lorraine Cink, John Sazaklis and Sven Wilson

BOOK REVIEW: MARVEL - Absolutely Everything You Need to Know by Adam Bray, Lorraine Cink, John Sazaklis and Sven Wilson

I loved the movie Venom so much that I wanted to know more about these Marvel characters. I've never read any Marvel comics but it seemed really interesting, so I picked up this book that brought me closer to the Marvel universe.

For Chapter One, all the characters are revealed, both heroes and anti-heroes. You can even read up on famous clashes betwewn these two opposite poles!

In Chapter Two, famous superhero teams like the Avengers are explained. The S.H.I.E.L.D. operations are broken down for us to understand. The bad guys aren't complete without the super villain teams! 

Chapters Three to Five talk about the characters powers, possessions and key events that altered the universes in the comics. 

Now that my interest has been sufficiently piqued, I really want to watch Thor, Avengers and even Guardians of the Galaxy (even if it's only for the cute Groot!).

Thursday 21 July 2022

355. Almanac of the Uncanny by Readers' Digest Association

BOOK REVIEW: Almanac of the Uncanny by Readers' Digest Association

Seances, human levitation, out-of-body experiences. These are just some of the weird and unexplainable happenings in our world. You may have experienced some yourselves but how do these things happen and why? These and more questions is explained in this informational book by the Readers' Digest Association.

For centuries people have wondered at so many unexplained phenomena in the world around us. How did early humans view life after death and does it actually exist? Have UFOs visited our planet and is there proof?

This book's more than 500 illustrated stories take the reader back in time to be entertained and intrigued by mysteries from the earliest recorded time to the present. 

Thoroughly researched by experts, and including comprehensive findings, this unique volume gives a compelling account of realms as yet not fully explained. 

Personally, I enjoyed this book for its scientific approach. Most of the unexplained circumstances are somewhat debunked by the rigorous research done. For example, the levitating table trick is due to a contraption that is stepped on during seances instead of ghosts lifting it.

At some points, if the situation is unexplainable, it is left to the reader to make it out for themselves what is fact from fiction. This book is great for those who want to delve into the unknown instead of scaring ourselves silly!


Wednesday 6 July 2022

354. Behind the Gates of Gomorrah by Stephen Seager

BOOK REVIEW: Behind The Gates of Gomorrah by Stephen Seager

We all have seen movies and sometimes read of mentally incapable (a more polite way of saying insane) people. The way they behave sometimes amuses us and sometimes frightens us till our core.

The author, who's a psychiatrist, was no stranger to locked psych wards when he accepted a job at California's Napa State Hospital, known locally as 'Gomorrah', but nothing could have prepared him for what he encountered when he stepped through its gates.

Napa State is one of the US largest forensic mental hospitals, dedicated to treating the criminally insane. Unit C, where the author was assigned, was reserved for the 'bad actors', the mass murderers, serial killers and the real-life Hannibal Lecter's of the world.

Against a backdrop of surreal beauty - a campus-like setting where peacocks strolled the well-kept lawns - is a place of remarkable violence.

Lone therapists lead sharing circles with psychopaths, homemade weapons and contraband circulate freely and patients and physicians often measure their lives according to how fast they can run.

At first, i was merely touched by how psychiatrists never judge patients no matter what they did. The book slowly became horrifying as patients kept hidden shanks (everyday items sharpened into weapons like eyeglass stems) and faeces were flung at medical staff.

It also happened to show the situation of security on standby to keep trouble at bay. This book affords an eye-opening look inside a facility to which few people have ever had access.

Sunday 3 July 2022

353. What the Yuck?! The Freaky & Fabulous Truth About Your Body by Roshini Raj and Lisa Lombardi

BOOK REVIEW: What the Yuck!? The Freaky & Fabulous Truth About Your Body by Roshini Raj & Lisa Lombardi

As women, we are always worried about mood flips and body blips. Sometimes it can be embarassing to divulge these details to a close one or to a gyno. Read this and you will realize that it is perfectly fine to do so!

This book contains 240 answers to the real questions you're dying to ask a doctor. It may make you blush, but at its core, this book is essential for every woman who wants to know the real truth about her health and body.

This humorous yet intensely practical book is an incarnation of the real-life doctor who wrote this book. At once witty and brilliant, it's a careful mixture of information, honesty and charm.

I found this book to be really truthful in a light-hearted way. Definitely a book to be read by mothers, daughters and sisters, this one is for the ladies!