Wednesday 6 March 2024

381. The Taste of Tomorrow: Dispatches from the Future of Food by Josh Schonwald

BOOK REVIEW: The Taste of Tomorrow - Dispatches from the Future of Food by Josh Schonwald

It's true that parents and books are the only ones who will actually remain permanent in a girl's life. I felt it deeply this time around. Letting go of my reading for some time was the biggest thing I regret but now I'm slowly making a comeback into my beloved hobby.

To restart my reading, I decided to start from the subject I love the most: FOOD! In this book, the author sets out on a journey to investigate the future of food. His quest takes him across the country and into farms and labs around the globe.

We are introduced to a motley group of mad scientists, entrepreneurs and food engineers who are revolutionizing the food we eat. 

Interesting issues are discussed like how new foods happen and why some foods explode on the scene virtually overnight. Emerging scientific breakthroughs are essential to feeding the globe's expanding hungry population.

To me, the part which was most interesting was the one on nanotechnology. The idea of minute robots fed into a human body to ideally balance nutrient amounts in the body is something you'll only think about in Star Wars. If any one of your friends is interested in the future of food, this book makes a great read.