Sunday 31 May 2020

268. The Opium War by Brian Inglis (MCO book #14)

BOOK REVIEW: The Opium War by Brian Inglis

Thank god the MCO is going to end. But I guess the effects were not felt as strongly being surrounded by books and all. So let's delve into this book shall we?

Drugs are a malevolent force to contend with and generation after generation people have been trying to combat this ever-growing problem. Opiates aka opium are being used in the medical field. However, it has been misused time and againg by junkies. So how did all this start?

In 1839, trade was the stalwart of the British empire. When Britain sent troops to compel the Chinese to accept imports of opium, they opened one of the most disgraceful chapters in the history of the Empire. 

How did the situation arise? How did opium exports become so crucial to the British economy? How did the British come to be as addicted to opium revenue as the Chinese were?

Shocking but fascinating throughout, this book gives the answers to these and more in thia meticulously researched study. Its one of those hard reads where you have to be truly focused in order to soak in the facts. You won't be left dissapointed. Stay home, stay safe!

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