Sunday, 24 December 2023

379. Ecologist Guide to Food by Andrew Wasley

BOOK REVIEW: Ecologist Guide to Food by Andrew Wasley

I have found myself gravitating towards the rights of those involved in the food business and how conglomerates produce food, which most times seem unethical.

Animal suffering, human rights abuses, the destruction of ecosystems, pollution waste - these are issues we tend not to associate with our food. However, as the author reveals, much of our food comes with a hidden price tag.

This interesting book delves behind the labels to investigate the often unpalatable truths about the foodstuffs we consume each day. 

As well as uncovering the sometimes shocking practices in existence, this guide takes a look at possible alternatives for the food industry, giving a voice to the underprivileged.

To me personally, it lifted the lid on the environmental, political and humanitarian issues surrounding food. Truly an eye-opener to anyone who is deeply motivated to know more on what's on your plate.

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