Tuesday 14 January 2020

243. Apples to Oysters: A Food Lover's Tour of Canadian Farms by Margaret Webb

BOOK REVIEW: Apples to Oysters - A Food Lover's Tour of Canadian Farms by Margaret Webb

Glistening rows of apples packed in plastic tubes, slabs of meat wrapped in cellophane, food glorious food. We grew up with tastes that are prepackaged, convenient and clean. But do we truly know where our food comes from or the flavour profiles associated with seaweed fresh out of the sea? The answer would be a resounding no, even for myself.

This narrative but factual book entails a journey from farm to table and the struggles farmers endure to promote full-bodied produce into today's mass-produced world. The author feasts her way across Canada's edible landscape, listening to farmers' hearts while enjoying nature's bounty.

Her tales of dedicated farmers and the challenges they face growing good food are inspiring, touching and gritty. They will make you hungry. They will make you laugh. They will make you run to your nearest farmer's market to hug a farmer.

This tear-jerking and also happy at moments book is a must-read for anyone who appreciates food and inspired food-writing. It was one book I simply couldn't resist till the end.

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