Sunday 16 December 2018

188. Half and Half (Short Story No. 2 from Marriage and Mutton Curry) by M. Shanmughalingam

BOOK REVIEW: Half and Half (Short Story No.2 from Marriage and Mutton Curry) by M. Shanmughalingam

Looks can be deceiving and so the saying goes. If you had the looks of a European many many years back, what would the privileges be? Or on the sour side the torture you had to endure by the Japanese? This is the element that is vividly portrayed in this short story by none other than our acclaimed Malaysian author, Dato' Dr. M. Shanmughalingam.

The character in this story happens to be a young Malaysian chap who has the complexion of a European. However, his parents, who are originally Jaffna Tamils, have dark brown skin and black hair while he has reddish gold hair and light brown eyes. His fair skin tone adds to his European look.

This story which takes place during the Japanese occupation unfolds the terrors of Japanese torture methods when they assume that someone is a British spy or traitor to them. Being beaten till the skin felt raw with a metal rod and depriving a person of food is just some of the methods that will be divulged to you through this story.

One day, as the Japanese are on their rounds of rooting out spies, they come across the young chap's house. He is told to hide in the chicken coop for fear of being dragged away by mistake by the Japanese military policemen. However, lady luck didn't shine his side as however hard his mother tried to distract the Japanese, they dragged him away for interrogation on suspicion of him being a British spy.

During his interrogation, the story of the chap through his childhood throwbacks slowly unfolds. If you are hungry, you might be driven to find for the nearest morsel to nibble on as there are quite a few food descriptions in the story that are so colorful that it may start your mouth watering. Not only are the Jaffna Tamil food descriptions like coconut milk appams and crab curry tantalizing, there is even descriptions of our Malaysian favorites like rojak and cendol that makes it appear as if the food was right in front of you!

Besides that, the story revolves around the aspect of how Malayans used to treat the British once upon a time. The British were highly looked upon and were given first preference anywhere, from school admissions to seats in a coffee shop. That was how British were and still are being respected even today.

It also describes the character of the Japanese who colonized Malaysia many years back. Their wiliness and persistence in getting what they want made them ruthless in their short yet painful reign on Malaya. 

You may have seen my first review about Victoria and her Kimono. Now Half and Half has made me even more hooked on this book which seamlessly blends fact with fiction to create a masterpiece like no other. 

If you are as eager as me to know what the next short story is all about, do head to the nearest bookstore near you for a copy of Marriage and Mutton Curry, the book which opens your eyes to the world of the Jaffna Tamil society and also Malaysia's rich history.

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